Monday, October 25, 2010

Hans Zimmer

Hans Zimmer is a composer who has done the soundtracks for:
- The Lion King
- Gladiator
- Mission Impossible
- Pearl Harbor
- Black Hawk Down
- The Ring
- Spirit
- Pirates of the Caribbean (series)
- Batman Begins
- August Rush
- Iron Man
- The Dark Night
- Sherlock Holmes
- Transformers
- Inception


Anna Kavanaugh

Anna Kavanaugh is one of my best friends from home. She has been studying art since she was eight and in currently an art major at Washington University in St. Louis.

Anna Kavanaugh
First 3 drawings are part of her AP art concentration

Project she did for her art history class.
You can see that both figures are her if you look closely 

Gregory Colbert

 Gregory Colber's "Ashes and Snow"

Gregory Colbert has been a favorite photographer of mine since i was dragged to his exhibit in Santa Monica in May 2006.
Makes a god screen saver 

"flying elephant" personal favorite

Gregory Colbert's Exhibit "Ashes and Snow" takes place in a nomadic museum build from railroad cars featuring more than 50 large-scale suspended photographs and 3 films